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Your First Week at SIBT

First week

For many, their first week at SIBT marks the beginning of their higher education journey, but along with that comes many challenges. Feeling super unorganised?  Trying to get a sense of what you need to do, where you need to go, and when you have to be there? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. There’s a lot to get your head around, so there’s a few “do’s” and “don’ts” you should know before you head down to campus.

DO: Attend your classes

The first few lectures for every class are some of the most important in the entire course, especially if it’s your first time at Uni. These are where your lecturers will run through the course details, assessments, and expectations, and as such contain crucial information to help you get settled in. It might be tempting to slack off and catch up on the content from a friend, especially if it’s early in the morning, but remember, with our small class sizes and personalised learning, your teachers will quickly start to get a sense of who’s there and who’s not.

DON’T: Pretend everything will be easy

Let’s face it, during the first week you’re not exactly expecting much in your classes. After all, it’s just introductions, right? Well, depending on which Diploma you’re studying, you might be in for a surprise. Our fast-track students in particular will be getting straight into things, because there’s no time to waste when you’re graduating in just 8 months. Don’t let yourself believe everything will be easy for too long, you don’t want to be caught off guard and fall behind right at the start.

DO: Get to know public transport

If you’ve got a workshop that starts at 10 AM sharp, you don’t want to be stressing about showing up late. Luckily, with SIBT’s prime location in the heart of the CBD, there are plenty of options when it comes to public transport, so brushing up on your public transport knowledge will help make your life so much easier. There’s a bus stop right outside campus, and you can easily walk from both the Museum and Town Hall train stations in just a few minutes. Knowing which busses and/or trains you need to take, as well as when they leave, will help take a bit of stress off during your first few days.

DON’T: Be shy!

University is a place of new beginnings, in both your academic and social lives, so it’s important to you put yourself out there and meet new people, especially during your first week. Most new people on campus won’t know a single other person there, so they’ll be looking to get out and make friends, just like you! Giving someone a hand with their books, starting a conversation in the elevator, or talking to your table before the start of a workshop are great places to start. Don’t forget to check out the kitchens, either! There’s one on every level, and this is usually where you’ll find loads of people getting snacks, drinks, or resting between classes, (as well as free breakfast!) so don’t be afraid to introduce yourself.

DO: Join clubs and societies!

One great thing about being at Uni is that there are tons of people with different backgrounds and interests, and you’ll usually find that there’s a social group for each! You can hop on the court with the basketball club, jam with the music society, or get to know one of the many international student societies, just to name a few! Taking part in the sporting and social activities on offer by all the clubs on the Sydney City Campus is a fantastic way to not only have a blast but meet like-minded people!

Final thoughts…

Your first week at SIBT is going to be a stressful but exciting time. Feeling completely disorganised and stressed out is totally normal at this stage, so don’t worry! As you get more comfortable with the way things work, join societies and clubs, understand your course load, and, most importantly, make new friends, you’ll start to settle in and feel more comfortable. If you ever have any questions or troubles during your first week, or any week for that matter, don’t hesitate to get in touch with your mentor or student support staff. We hope your first week is a great one!

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